The minimum intolerable percent utilization of your ethernets…
this traffic level or higher will result in a yellow warning condition
The minimum intolerable number of errors per second for your interfaces…
this error rate or greater will result in a red error condition
The size of the map grid to use if you want to snap all objects to a grid
The pixel width of connector cores and object borders
How much to divide a Percent or Log-scale utilization thickness by for display
Display each connector with a unique (and arbitrary and somewhat silly) pattern based on its medium's ifType
Display green/yellow/red indicators with a unique pattern for each colour, which may help if you've got a B&W monitor or printer or retina
Display the IPX component of this map, using IPX network numbers
(note that this information is only learned from devices that support Novell-IPX-MIB)
Display the AppleTalk component of this map, using AppleTalk network numbers and zones
(note that this information is only learned from devices that support the AppleTalk MIB)
Display the IP component of this map, using IP addresses and network numbers
Display all devices and networks, using the names you've chosen
Base the thickness of each connector on the octet traffic flowing through the connector, using a log scale, divided by your 'Utilization scaling' factor
Base the thickness of each connector on the percent utilization of its bandwidth, divided by your 'Utilization scaling' factor
Display each device as a single object
Display each device as a collection of its interface objects